Hi listers, I really don't know what a sound mixer is or how it works, but I have a sound need and I'm wondering if a simple mixer could help.
If you have mixer knowledge maybe you can help. I have several devices I want to be able to feed into my stereo. . It would be nice if the sound from more then one source could be played at once. is this something a mixer can do? Any mixer tips would be appreciated. I'm really starting with no knowledge and don't have stores I can go to to just look around. Thanks. Eric Caron <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net ---> To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net You can find an archive of all messages posted to the Mac-Access forum at either the list's own dedicated web archive: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/pipermail/mac-access/index.html> or at the public Mail Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/>. Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/maillist.xml> The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free! Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the list website at: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/mac-access/options/>