Hi listers,

List Recorder can now be downloaded as a full version in one step.  In the past 
you needed to download the light app and then do an in app upgrade to receive 
the full version.  Now those who want to just purchase the full version can do 
so.  Be sure to download the version that says List Recorder Full.  One bonus 
for those who go right to the full version is that it is $7.99 so it is a 
dollar less then purchasing the light version then doing the in app upgrade. 

Those who just want to spend a dollar to try it first still have that option 
using the original List Recorder app.

One thing to be careful of.  If you are using list Recorder in the .99 cent 
version then decide to upgrade be sure to do that as a in app upgrade or you 
will not be keeping the data in the new app.  List Recorder and List Recorder 
Full are considered  two different apps.
For anyone not familiar with List Recorder, it is a Voice Over friendly 
recording and note taking app with advanced organization ability.  It has many 
features all available to voice Over users.

Eric Caron   
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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