Hi Sean,

I don't think the Paragon software for ext3 files has worked for any systems 
above Snow Leopard.   You can read ext3 file systems (the native Linux format) 
under Lion and Mountain Lion if you use OSXFuse instead of MacFUSE. Some people 
also report being able to write to ext3, but results vary on that, depending on 
specific configurations, and it can be slow. 

Here's the excerpted basic information and the source URL. I've also emailed 
you separately off list a few more source documents.

<begin quote>
Posted by Nirupam Biswas on Saturday, December 3, 2011 
On Mac if you want to access ext3/etx2 filesystems, which are used by Linux 
systems, you will find lots of links on net but all are pretty outdate and they 
don’t work for Lion. So, here is the updated version, which works. At least for 
You will need two softwares:-
OSXFuse – Download link.    https://github.com/osxfuse/osxfuse/downloads
Fuse-ext2 – Download link.    
Download and install them in the sequence shown above.
Fuse-ext2 needs MacFuse to run, but this is no longer maintained and does not 
work on Lion. OSXFuse is the next generation MacFuse, but Fuse-ext2 is not 
meant to work with this. Fortunately OSXFuse includes “MacFUSE Compatibility 
Layer”. Just make sure to select this option when installing OSXFuse and you 
are good to go.
When both of them are installed, then try plugging in ext3 or etx2 partitioned 
disk and they should get automatically mounted, just like any other disk. Note, 
after installing them you may or may not need to restart your system.
PS. You will be able to read the disks but not write to it. As of now write 
option is not reliable.
<end quote>
HTH. Cheers,
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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