Hmm, Well, I like what I'm seeing so far for what it's worth, but I'm not too keened on the fact that there doesn't appear to be a way without actually going to the web site itself, which is a pain in the kneck at best, to actually share a file or an entire directory with another Google Drive user. I see exactly how to do it in the i o s app, but not from the Windows nor the mac versions. Aside from this though, not bad for what it's worth. The other thing too I really don't totally like is the fact that the file types that the I O S version uses seemed to be a bit more limited than Dropbox. For instance, I synced a .wav file from my windows machine... now, obviously, my mac played it perfectly, but I was unable to get it to play on my IPhone. That's kind of a bummer, as there are some uncompressed files that I actually did want to stream, but I guess there went that idea. LOL! I think it's definitely! got potential, but I do think it could use a little work. Alas, thanks for giving the instructions how to get it up and going. It's greatly appreciated.

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