
That would be wonderful!  Thank you so so much!  Take your time.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Travis Siegel" <>
To: "Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: This really is going to hurt a lot of blind people I think,read it!

This is easy to fix.
PHP can generate jpg images on the fly. I'll post a script to my softcon pages in the next day or two that will allow you to enter text, and it will generate a jpg file for you with the correct settings. So, you'll have your image, but it'll be text, so it'll fit Itunes guidelines. Easy to do, and takes only a minute or two to fill out the form to get your image. I've not done this in a while though, and I need to make sure all the required components are installed and operational before I roll it out, so hang tight, and I'll let everyone know when it's done.
That should solve the problem nicely.

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