Hi Harmony,

        In addition to all these great suggestions the Keyremap4macbook app 
could be handy as this could allow keys to be placed whereever they are most 
handy.  It might also be helpful to have the capslock function as the two VO 
keys as that could free up some fingers.

Eric Caron 

On Apr 21, 2013, at 3:49 PM, Esther <mori...@mac-access.net> wrote:

> Hi Harmony,
> I think that Catherine said she is using a Maltron one-handed keyboard with 
> sticky keys to type with VoiceOver.  That's probably the best solution.  Use 
> single key navigation with QuickNav turned on to navigate web sites. If your 
> friend has sufficient vision, there's a Mac App Store app for one handed 
> keyboard typing.  Here's the link to their web page:
> • One-Hand Typing for Injured Touch Typists
> http://www.onehandkeyboard.org/  
> Apparently, people who were used to touch typing with two hands can adapt 
> relatively easily to using the same hand to type the mirror-reversed 
> functions of the keys that you typed with the other hand.  So if you type the 
> word "t h e" with two hands, using your left forefinger to press the "t", 
> your right forefinger to press the "h", and your left middle finger to press 
> the "e", you could type this one handed with the "One-Handed Keyboard" app in 
> the Mac App store, entirely with either your left or right hand.  If you were 
> using your left hand, instead of pressing the "h" with your right forefinger, 
> you'd press the "g" with your left forefinger.  If you were using your right 
> hand, instead of pressing the "t" with your left forefinger, you'd press the 
> "y" with your right forefinger, and for the "e" pressed with your left middle 
> finger, you would press the "i" with your right middle finger.  
> Muscle memory is supposed to kick in after you start typing a while. They're 
> using predictive typing, but I think you need vision to review the choices.  
> This is mainly for people who are touch typists, but have temporarily lost 
> the use of one hand due to injury.  There's a free app that lets people try 
> this out, either by direct download from the web site or from the Mac App 
> Store, and then there's a paid version for $130.  I'd just check out the web 
> page, but for those who are interested here are the links to the Mac App 
> Store apps:
> • One-Hand Keyboard: Free One-Hand Typing  (free demo version) by Peter Kamb
> https://itunes.apple.com/app/one-hand-keyboard-free-one/id501185004?mt=12
> • One-Hand Keyboard: One-Hand Typing ($129.99) by Peter Kamb
> https://itunes.apple.com/app/one-hand-keyboard-one-hand/id465275525?mt=12
> Also, here's a web site that does a comparison of one-handed keyboard 
> alternatives:
> http://www.aboutonehandtyping.com/onehandtypingalternatives.html
> You can use Safari Reader (Command-Shift-R) on this page.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On 21 Apr 2013, at 09:05, Harmony Neil wrote:
>> Hellow,
>> A friend of mine likes the mac as it's good for audio editing.  However, he 
>> only has the use of one hand really and wants to use voiceover since his 
>> vision is not the best.  The trouble he's having is the fact that he turns 
>> the voiceover lock on but has to keep turning it off again when he wants to 
>> do things like type in a searchbox etc on the internet.  Does anyone know of 
>> a better way one can use the mac plus voiceover with the use of only 1 hand?
>> Thanks,
>> Harmony.
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