I also use iTunes with no problem, or I did until my cd drive took a big dump. 
lol!  It's pretty fast ripping at even 320kbps mp3 at 44.1khz stereo. Check for 
finger prints and stuff as well as one poster suggested.

Take care.
On Jul 9, 2013, at 6:56 AM, Isaac Hebert <isaac.heb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can use a program called rip.
> On 7/9/13, Matthew Carello <mcarell...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hello George and all. What bit rate and filetype  are you ripping to?
>> That might have something to do with it. Also are there any fingerprints
>> or small scratches on the cd's? Just two things to think about. I have
>> had a lot of luck ripping at 192 kb and in mp3.
>> On 7/9/2013 2:34 AM, George Cham wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if I've asked this question about ripping audio cd's on the
>>> Mac. But I'm wanting to know is there's another app  apart from itunes.
>>> When I rip a cd   it's taking a long time
>>> And the  tracks are corrupting.
>>> Typed with Fleksy
>>> reply://george.c...@outlook.com
>>> George,
>>>   Sent from my iPad
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> -- 
>   Isaac Hebert
> iMessage 2547608981
> Skype  gold_wildcat  facebook and email
> isaac.heb...@gmail.com
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