I have the following problem. Hope someone can help as I am at my wits end!
running Calendar In Lion, hitting tab would pass me from one event to the next. Then, immediately, the events time was announced. Now ML, 1. subject is spoken. 2. a 10 second moment of silence. 3. Then v o says "you are currently on a text element in side of a list, the help tag this event belongs to calendar personal" 4. Then v o says the time of the event. My wife's i7 mac says it the way my lion use to. Both of us are running the latest ML. Our Macs are the same except hers is a i7 and mine is an i3. I don't believe that would make a difference. In short, how do I rearrange the above list of actions , putting step 4 after step 1. Thank you for clarification in this perplexing situation. Mark <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net ---> To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net You can find an archive of all messages posted to the Mac-Access forum at either the list's own dedicated web archive: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/pipermail/mac-access/index.html> or at the public Mail Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/>. Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/maillist.xml> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free. However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy. We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen. Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting the list website at: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/mac-access/options/>