Hello, Do any listers use the viber app on your iPhone? This app runs on IOS and Android and lets mobile phones running viber communicate with each other for free via wifi and the Internet.
I am trying to use viber to communicate with a contact in the USA. I was given their number in the format +1-aaa-bbbb-ccc. I put this in my contacts on my iMac running Maverick and then synced this to contacts on my iPhone 3GS running the latest IOS 6 . After entering +1-aaa-bbbb-ccc on my iMac and then later looking at the contacts entry I noted that it had been reformatted as +1 (aaa) bbb-bccc. Alas viber does not seem to recognise this as a valid viber number. It seems that this number reformatting only happens with numbers beginning +1. My wife can use her viber on her Android to communicate with this USA number with no problems. Can anyone caste any light on this? Many thanks. Paul Hopewell <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net ---> To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net You can find an archive of all messages posted to the Mac-Access forum at either the list's own dedicated web archive: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/pipermail/mac-access/index.html> or at the public Mail Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/>. Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-access@mac-access.net/maillist.xml> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free. However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy. We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen. Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting the list website at: <http://mail.tft-bbs.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/mac-access/options/>