wow, will have to check this out when i acquire my iPad mini, sorry to go on but i do not like listening to music or other audio on an iPhone 4s, sure could wear headphones or connect to external speakers but do not want to do that all the while, again sorry for the repeated rants about this.

Best wishes for 2014 Chris

On 30/12/2013 16:50, Dane Trethowan wrote:

We're about to enter a new Year so time to reflect perhaps on some of the great 
Apps released for OSX and IOS this year.

One of my favourite IOS Apps won't help you when it comes to being productive 
but what it may very well do is give you thousands upon thousands of hours of 
listening pleasure at very little cost.

I speak of the Vintage Radio App which has 2 modes, the "Free" mode which has 
restrictions in place on what you can listen to - and the "Subscriber" mode where you pay 
$5 per month through the App Store and listening is unlimited.

I've had the Vintage Radio App for quite some time and I had to buy it from 
memory though I can't remember exactly how much the App was, think it too was 

All your favourite Old Time Radio stuff is available neatly categorised, drama, 
comedy, adventure, news, western, music and so much more.

When listening to these shows from an IOS  device I stream to my Bose Soundlink 
Air using airPlay to get even better sound.

You can rate the sound quality of the programme you're listening to, this 
information is sent to the developer.


Dane Trethowan
Skype: grtdane12
Phone US (213) 438-9741
Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
Mobile: +61400494862
Fax +61397437954

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