Good evening all
well i finally got my iPad mini wifi 128 gb in silver over an hour ago.
The setup was painless, but lol! I had to turn everything on in iCloud settings just to get my contacts for example! Now I'm currently downloading the free apps that Apple now offers when you purchase a new iDevice, such as Pages. This is why I'm not sending this from my iPad at this time. Well my impressions overall? Very good! Feels nice and shiny, sound quality is just amazing, and the on-screen keyboard is very nice actually! Reminds me of a laptop keyboard because of the placement of the comma and period keys to the right of m for example. Just need some more practice though but I am getting there. But lol! earlier on, could I find the at key as part of signing into my Apple Id? Could I heck! Turned out it was to the right of the m key! Anyway will keep you updated but those are my feelings so far. Can't wait to test the sound out with music I synced to my iPad earlier on. Speaking of which going to forget iTunes Match altogether, because it won't let me sync my music for offline listening otherwise.
You take care and hope we can get something going on this!

Best wishes for 2014 Chris
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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