
Just for future reference, If you know something is off topic for this group, 
please do not post it to the group without first asking the list owners, i.e., 
Mac Access Support, if it’s alright to do so.  However, since your post is very 
specifically related to Apple’s platform, it is not, in actual fact, off topic 
at all.  :)

So, there’s no issue.  The tutorial is very specific and that’s fine, postings 
like this which directly deal with Apple’s hardware/software are perfectly 
acceptable and, indeed, very much welcomed within the group.  We would 
certainly not wish to deny the members of this group the opportunity of trying 
your recommendations.  So, thanks for the post.

On 12 Jan 2014, at 04:40, Devin Prater <d.pra...@me.com> wrote:

Hi all. After doing this, I thought I’d share with you all who I managed this. 
Yes this is off topic, but you all can spread it around, I’m sure. First, I go 
to gmail.google.com, with standard view. I press left and right arrows to turn 
quick nag off, and press up and down arrows to focus  on the table of messages. 
Er, that’s Quick Nav, not quick nag. Anyway, I press star, that’s shift 8, then 
A. This selects all the messages on the page. Then, I press number, or hash, or 
pound, which is shift 3. That deletes all selected messages. Now, this is in 
the inbox, and while it will be helpful on android devices and gmail web views, 
Apple mail, apparently, shows all mail that is not from you or in its trash 
folder. So, you’ll have to go to all mail. So, press right or left arrow until 
you hear something like inbox link. Keep quick Nav off throughout this whole 
thing. While these are links, which you can click on with VO space, you arrow 
down through them, like menu options. Then, when you’ve reached All Mail, press 
enter. You’ll be placed in the list of all your mail, every last one, including 
google chats and such. Here, select all as described above, star then A. Then, 
move out of the table, and you’ll find “all X of the messages on this page are 
selected. Click to select all Y in all mail.” X being the number of messages 
you have set to display per page, and Y being the total. So then, click the 
link, and you have all 80000 or so emails and chats selected. Then, press the 
hash/pound/number, and you’ll be presented with a dialog. Click okay. Another 
dialogue will proceed it, click okay. Then, close the tag and wait for an hour 
or so, and your gmail will be cleansed of all the mutterings of a 
long-abandoned email list and exs and all the other memories you’d prefer not 
to have lingering around.

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