Use web rotor instead vo-u. I get something almost the same if I press vo-command-n when in an open message in Mail. It simply crashes and restarts VoiceOver!

Regards Chris

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

On 18/03/2014 02:09, Kristeen Hughes wrote:
When I am in Safari, not all but some times, if I want to use the item chooser, I will 
press vo+i and after a short time of busy, the Mac will say, "welcome to Mac OS 10; 
Voiceover is running." There is no item chooser list. I'm not sure if it makes a 
difference how many items are on a page, but I think the more items, the more likely it 
is to happen. Does anyone know why this is happening? It makes dealing with some very 
important sites on the web very difficult.

Thanks in advance.


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