yeah I was wondering why my message got send 3 times when I only sent it once. 
I thought it was me as that has happened in the past on other things. Ok back 
to lurking I go. 
> On Jun 5, 2015, at 7:43 AM, Matthew Chao <> wrote:
> Hi, Gordon.  Thanks for answering the question regarding multiple duplicates. 
>  I must admit, they sure filled up my inbox quite a bit.
> The above said, however, keep up the good work.  This list is a godsend, 
> especially for those of us who float between Windows and Macs/iOS.  Thanks 
> again for such a great list!
> Matthew Chao
> At 03:36 PM 6/5/2015 +0100, you wrote:
>> Hello everybody
>> I’d just like to give you an explanation as to why some of you have had 
>> difficulty unsubscribing from the group.  Firstly, please understand that 
>> this was in no way a deliberate act on my part.
>> When I was configuring the list, VoiceOver did not reveal the refreshed edit 
>> boxes when I added your addresses.  Therefore, I thought that they hadn’t 
>> actually been added, so I added them again.  This happened twice before the 
>> boxes’ contents were displayed to me, and I thought that the job was done.
>> However, unbeknown to me, the addresses were added three times over.  This 
>> is why you’ve had difficulty and in some cases have received multiple 
>> copies of the messages.
>> Please accept my most sincere apologies for the inconvenience.  I am 
>> modifying the list as I speak, so that each member is only subscribed once.  
>> I am also taking out those addresses whose owners have requested that I do 
>> so.
>> Those who have written to me threatening reprisals, (and there have been 3 
>> of those), please know that I am removing you as you requested.
>> I acknowledge though that this shouldn’t have happened.  There should be 
>> error-trapping within the software to prevent it.  I am taking this up with 
>> the developers.  But I am also working urgently to address the issue.
>> Those of you who do wish to remain on the list, please don’t worry if you 
>> get repeated welcome messages.  If you get a message asking whether you want 
>> to join or not, then that is at your discretion.
>> I am also taking steps to restore the support address so that these issues 
>> can be separated once again from my own inbox.
>> ========================================
>> My compliments and kindest regards
>> Gordon Smith:
>> <<>>
>> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
>> ———————”——————————————————————
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