
Nice to see everyones machines are running at 100%.

SheepShaver on Windows. Sort of.

One way is via Cygwin on win95 - xp using the ./SheepShaver you've
compiled on the nix box, cheating, well not really.
Cygwin is fairly easy to setup, the hard bit is to remember to start
the -dm on the linux box and config it so it works the way you'd like.
For example, if you start your nix box and it boots to a cli where you
then run startx then there's no xdm gdm kdm tdm ect to xdmcp from
Cygwin or Exodus to. doh! This gem has been a pain in my side for a while, I hope to have OS8.5 - OS9 running on a quadra via exodus soon. :)

The second way uses Colinux for which I use the Gentoo file. Gentoo is
very easy to use as it turns out. CoLinux boots to a cli, to use a
display manager like xfce you would use a vnc client like VNCviewer.
This seems quicker than the X-window of Cygwin which can also be pointed at Colinux.
Basicly its nix in a window where you compile sheepshaver and install a vnc server where you connect a vnc viewer to colinux's tap network.
Easier than it sounds, the hard bit now is getting a hardfile with 8.5+ across, the xp box I'm using for this has no cd or floppy and as the tap (shared virtual network) has a differing ip address to the rest of my lan it proving to be a challange. Colinux requires W2k or XP.
Debian and another flavour are also available for colinux. Note: use "topenlarge" to expand the gentoo hardfile from 2gb to fit a macos hardfile for sheepshaver and anything else you may install on gentoo.

Links available or google for colinux, gentoo, vncviewer and cygwin. All in all it was very easy for a pretty good result so far, still about the same speed as B2 but this way is self contained on the one Windows box. ;)
All software mentioned, bar Exodus, is freeware. ;)


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