> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date:          Sun, 26 Sep 2004 23:29:39 EDT

> Done that several times, as well as;
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Just looking for some help...
> Roger

Roger, as has been explained here several times, nobody participating 
on this list can unsubscribe you. If you've tried the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address and have gotten no response, try 
contacting Charles Moore (the fellow who runs Low End Mac, which 
sponsors this list--one of the URLs in the mail list .sig) directly. 
I'd tell you to go to the site and find his name and address, but 
methinks you're frustrated enough as it is.

Try writing him at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and make sure that you're 
including the address you want removed (you mentioned you have two 
addresses you're getting this on--specify whether you want to be 
removed from just one of them or from both). You might want to append 
or attach some of the emails you've sent trying to unsubscribe so if 
there's something you've missed, he can tell you what you did wrong 
and you'll know in the future.

Either something's messed up in the mailing list software or there's 
something you're not understanding. It's not that hard to 
unsubscribe from a mailing list if everything's working. But Charles 
is a good fellow, and he should be able to get you taken care of.


I'm a MUGWump: My "MUG" is on the Mac side of the fence (since mid-2002), and 
my "Wump" is on the PC side (since 1989). I've been on the trailing edge of 
computer technology since 1987 and love it! [P.S.] Due to limitations on this 
account, please send binaries to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and a confirmation note here. 

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