Hi folks.

Just got OS X running on XP. :)
4 and a half hours for the install and takes a little over 4 minutes to boot. Speed is a little faster than a classic mac running OS7.1 and a bit slower than running Basilisk with OS8.1 installed. Not bad for alpha software.

I've also had success flashing a Radeon 7000 64mb video over to mac. The pc version is $20 cheaper than the mac and has twice the ram so why wouldn't you?
Only one problem, the newer Radeon drivers replace one of OpenGL's extensions, reinstalling OpenGL fixes this. The problem was no 3D.
http://www.appletalk.com.au/forums/index.php?showtopic=352 contains the info I used and the pc-flash kit.

A big improvement over the Voodoo3 which will go into a 7220 which I just picked up a dos card for. :) Better video, better OS, I might even hang on to the door stop


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