Darren wrote:

> Not one of those id conflict questions.
> I bought another 68 pin 9.1 gb drive to add to the 7300+, problem 
> being I have no room with two already installed ( I thought one was 
> smaller, bloody linux. :) ) Anywho, I'd like to extend the internal 
> bus and keep the 5mb/sec "external" for lesser devices. Anyone know of 
> a pretty ( I cant spell eliquient) solution.

Gudday Cuz

My not so eloquent but totally brilliant work-around ;) is using mobile
racks. I favour RH-O6 type for IDE, can't recall the SCSI equivalent off
hand. Who needs dual booting systems and SCSI chains when you can slap
in a fresh drive any time you want?... Well dual boot does have it's
plus's - Linux on old world Macs for example :(

Hacking into awkward Mac cases can be a problem tho'. I was lucky with
the G3 being so adaptable.

> Figured by now FW 
> externals would be a cheap buy.. figured wrong compared to $9 for the 
> scsi.

Right, that's it, I'm moving back to Oz. I can't stand these bargains
I'm missing out on any longer :)

I need to buy another 7300 :(
But that's an entirely new thread coming up.

> The drive is too small for a pc. ;)

Not too small for a stand alone DOS or Win 3x box I'd wager. I have a
heap of old Win 3 and DOS progs loaded on my P166 box and they all still
[just] fit onto a CD without using compression for back-up.

Shameless plug: I've been using the freeware DOS prog "XCLONE.EXE" for
archiving whole drives and writing the contents back to fresh drives.
Really saves a lot of time reinstalling when moving drives. Also does a
good snapshot of existing drives incase they suddenly fail. Very easy to
use too; XCLONE C: D: to archive, XCLONE D: C: to restore. Works across
network drives too, a good utility to have around.

>> Computers are like air conditioners; they don't work when you open 
>> windows.
> nice quote for the mac-n-dos list. :)
> PC stands for Personal Computer, macs fail the first but succeed well 
> in the second. Mac stands for......... another day. All in fun if 
> thats possible.

'Machine Always Crashes If Not The Operating System Hangs' isn't it? :)
Speaking of which, I've been preoccupied with vMac for PPC over the past
24 hrs. A lot of fun in a time wasting sense :) Just installed SSW 7.0.1
whoo hoo.


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