Hi everyone.

I have 2 news:

1) A new repo is set-up for macfuse. The new url is
https://github.com/macfuse Tomas (the owner of the github repo)
shortly announce it officially. He'll also provide more details about
wiki/site/maillist migration.

2) I have ported macfuse to 10.6. Everything I did is just applied
macports patches. I use macfuse from macports for a long time and I
trust it so I decided that it is a good starting point.

This is the change that aggregates macports patches

I was able to build macfuse under 10.6.7 for x86_64 bit architecture.
If you have some time - please test it:
1) clone my repo from https://github.com/anatol/macfuse
2) cd core && ./macfuse_buildtool.sh -t smalldist

Here is my build log.


MacFUSEBuildTool(smalldist)   : building installer package for 10.6
a Install_resources
a Install_resources/.VolumeIcon.icns
a Install_resources/background.tiffx Install_resources/
  Creating Bill-of-Materials file
  Archiving files
  Creating Info.plist

MacFUSEBuildTool(smalldist)   : succeeded, results in

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