
Welcome back! Have missed you and your wonderful E-mails. I like the 
new "fellowines" word you created... I'll wait for it to make the 
dictionaries soon.


On Friday, August 13, 2004, at 01:46  PM, Marta Edie wrote:

>  Fri Aug 13, 2004  1:46:19  PM US/Eastern
> To: macgroup at
> Subject: Re: MacGroup: On to Greener Pastures
> Reply-To: macgroup at
> Dear Kay,
> my last comment, since I was out of the country, but, while not 
> getting involved in writing, I nevertheless kept reading your vicious 
> and totally beyond the subject matter comments. I remember very well 
> the attack towards me, then towards Hen and Ward, then Cathy,  and 
> even toward Lee who no more than sent you a humourous comment. I am 
> glad you realized that it would be of your and our benefit that you 
> withdraw from the group,  which you invaded like Donner and Blitzen, 
> read us all the riot act, offered your innumerable  and mysterious 
> credentials which would fill three or more lifetimes of work of any 
> individual, scared the innocent Macuser out of his or her (in the last 
> case a new user group member, Cathy) wits, kept the attacks going 
> toward different individuals off list, and if anybody at Apple asked 
> you to get more involved with local groups - may God forgive that 
> person. You brought no enlightenment, only disharmony. So for our 
> harmony's sake, I bid you farewell, I shall never answer another of 
> your postings, nor will I read them, but "delete" or better even "cut" 
> will be my click to safety and sanity. Perhaps some of my Mac-comrades 
> will do the same. I love this group. It has taught me all I know about 
> the Mac. I owe this knowledge to the selflessness of its members, and 
> their encouragement.  The many wonderful discoveries I was able to 
> make, and the humour with which some of the postings were spiced, all 
> of them I cherished and drew joy from them, new knowlege, and, yes, 
> even grew in wisdom. Thanks to all you good fellows and fellowines ( I 
> just coined this new word- no- it does not rhyme with "wine", but with 
> "ween" and some day  might even make the New Oxford dictionary! and 
> boost my credentials!) You are great!- And now - let's get on with the 
> real stuff we are about. Thanks,
> Marta
> On Aug 6, 2004, at 11:23, KR'sListMail wrote:
>> Dear Group,
>> This is a letter below, is one I sent in response to group member 
>> here on this list, that has been very supportive to me the past few 
>> weeks. Rather than, rewrite another letter to this group, I decided 
>> this one, was just as good to post here to you all too.
>> If any of you would like to write to me, and be part of my future 
>> plans, (and see my presentations of the Apple beta software and 
>> graphic software) please contact me directly, by my email address. I 
>> am very sorry about the situation here on this list, and I feel it is 
>> time now to go on to greener pastures. Take care and goodbye. Yours 
>> Kay
>> .............................
>> Hi,
>> I am leaving this list soon. I am getting over my cold, and have had 
>> a chance to clear my head today. I've been thinking this morning 
>> about this weird mac group.
>> The thing is, I don't need this kind of silly list flamewars, and BS 
>> in my life. I have so much to do right now, and plus my classes are 
>> starting soon. My reason for being here- I have to be frank with you 
>> about one thing. Last spring- It is a Apple Rep that asked me to be 
>> more active with the local Apple Group here. He knew I have been 
>> Officer at several other groups and wanted me to show some of the 
>> beta testing I was doing, etc. I gritted my teeth when they asked. 
>> But then I thought, oh well maybe this group has changed.
>> The issue is, that other groups in cities of this size have grown. 
>> Some have even have 2 or more groups. This one hasn't gained any 
>> members in 15 years.  Apple wants to know--Why?
>> I quit coming to this group, years ago, when Randy started the Art 
>> Software's group. This group, sort of died then, but came back a bit, 
>> after Randy stopped doing the group. Now, It has gotten worse, than 
>> when I left-- It is so inbred and boring. I really don't see how they 
>> have kept their legal status as a non-profit, Apple group. They are 
>> not following the rules that Apple groups are supposed to follow. 
>> They collect dues, but where does the money go? There is no Board, 
>> there are no Officers, there is no voting on the leaders. No 
>> Treasurer's report.  No group representation sent to Apple MacWorld, 
>> to attend the big user group meeting there. No outreach to new 
>> members. These are all the things that are supposed to be done in an 
>> "Official Apple Group".  I would serve on the Board on this one, to 
>> help out, and get things in line, but there is no board!  I asked 
>> Harry about that issue, in June. He said they have no Board and no 
>> voting.
>> So now, it is time to take some stock in the situation. After 4 
>> months on this list, I don't even need to attend a meeting to find 
>> out what is going on here.  I get the jest of it!  Just a bunch of 
>> educational guys, pocketing the software and goodies Apple sends them 
>> for the group--it serves their needs with the minimal amount of 
>> effort.
>> But, with Wards unreal email and then, Lees comment yesterday? That 
>> was the last straw for me. To suggest I would send him a virus, was a 
>> VERY nasty thing to say, and very surprising, for a college professor 
>> to state such an awful claim about a professional business person, 
>> who has a reputation to uphold. I don't need to have people like that 
>> ruining my reputation, just to help Apple out. And this list has done 
>> alot to ruin my reputation, because of his reluctancy to do his job. 
>> On this list now, I am seen as some sort of ocre, some sort of mean 
>> bitch. It started with that lady Marta, with all her false claims- 
>> and it hasn't let up on me since.
>> You see, those are the kinds of things going on here, these kind of 
>> issues, that are not allowed at a real Apple group. Real groups don't 
>> allow discussions about illegal copying, and tools to do so. Real 
>> groups don't allow new users drilling everyone with personal computer 
>> problems every other day and drive people away who get tired of 
>> answering her. These kind of people, at other groups are told that is 
>> not what the group is for, to burn out their consultants, with free 
>> help. But that is not what is happening here. This group is really 
>> out in left field. But here you see, WHY. The leaders are not doing 
>> their job-in fact they are adding to the problem.
>> So I am out. I think it would be easier to make a new group that to 
>> try to fix this one.
>> I have been to the PC group in April. (One of my attorneys is 
>> actually the volunteer council with that group also, so they keep 
>> things professional there.)  Maybe I can start a Sig there that deals 
>> with cross platform users, that uses Microsoft's VPC, and PDA 
>> devices. The kind of stuff I am really interested in.
>> I didn't want to do this, because in a way I felt sorry for Lee, and 
>> Tom (who I never hear from on this list, is such a nice guy). But 
>> after his nasty ass comment yesterday? No more.
>> The most comforting part about this whole thing, is the others from 
>> the list that have written, afraid to speak up. Boy have I heard 
>> stories, you wouldn't believe!
>> Anyway, I am going to wait until things cool off here, maybe make a 
>> final post (I want to talk to my Apple rep first)
>> and then ease out the back door...
>> Thanks for supporting me along the path the past few months. I really 
>> appreciate how kind you have been.
>> All the Best,
>> Yours,
>> Kay

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be August 24. The LCS Web page is <>.
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