Dear Harry and Mac Group,

I feel bad about not being able to do the presentation about ebay on Tuesday. 
Because I was really looking forward to do it.

However, my mother died; and it looks now as though I will have to stay here 
in the Chicago area for the rest of this month. (My son will be taking care 
of my house in Louisville.)

There are several people on this list who are very good at using ebay, and I 
hope they will come forward and identify themselves to you, Harry. 

I don't have their names, as here I don't have access to my regular E-mail 
that I use at home. 

If someone else doesn't handle the ebay presentation this Tuesday, I'll be 
glad to do it another time when my life settles down.

I trust you will understand....this is such a sad time for me. My mother 
meant so much to all of us.

Best to everyone,

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be March 25. The LCS Web page is <>.

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