So what happened in the even years?

on 1/22/03 4:04 PM, Mike Watkins at watk5926 at wrote:

> Okay,  group, now that I have your attention.... I just thought perhaps
> I should inform you all that I am a female Michael (pronounced the same
> as the male name). This is especially after reading in Anne's Access
> column that Mike Watkins sent Jaguar to _his_ daughter.....
> Thanks for your attention, and don't worry. I'm well used to the
> confusion after 60-some-odd years. :)
> Mike 
> | The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
> | be January 28. The LCS Web page is <>.


Harry Jacobson-Beyer
Surveyor of the Passing Scene!
What a strange, long, trip it is!

remember: it's not how fast you climb the hill that matters, it's how fast
you go coming down!

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 28. The LCS Web page is <>.

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