03.04.2003 02:15 UhrTony LaFeminaremacs at optonline.net:

> Marta Edie wrote:
>> Hi, out there. I am stumped. I wanted to add a control strip module to my
>> control strip. The help menu says, or I think it says : to drag the modulle
>> out of the control module folder unto the control strip. I can't get them to
>> stay. They whizz back from whence they came. What am I doing wrong?  Marta
> Marta
> I just tried it and, to the best of my knowledge, it looks like the
> control strip works like this. Anything in the control strip modules
> folder is already loaded onto the control strip even if it doesn't show
> (but don't ask me why). If you have a module that isn't in the folder,
> then you can drag it to the control strip. The module will then be
> placed in the folder and on the control strip itself (maybe). To get an
> idea of how it works, hold down the Option key and move a module from
> the control strip to the desktop. A blank spot will appear at the end of
> the control strip. If you look in the control strip modules folder, you
> should have one less item than you had. Now drag the item from the
> desktop to the control strip. The item will appear where you dropped it
> on the control strip, and the module will be added to the folder.
> I never really bothered with the control strip, but your letter made me
> curious.
Yes, that I can do. but I can't do it the other way around. For example :In
anticipation of my getting an airport, I was goiing to put that module,
which is in the controlstrip modules folder, but not showing on my
controlstrip,  into the controlstrip proper. And here I get that module
balking. The help menu says to drag it into the controlstrip. but here all
good spirits leave me. The module jumps back into the folder. Sometimes I
think these modules are somewhere in the controlstrip already, but don't
show up.  My strip doesn.t show the modules for airport, for TV and Video
mirroring, speakable items and a few more. Then I think the controlstrip
only holds a certain number and I need to get rid of some before I can put
another one in. But these are all Marta's mind flicks.  I do use the monitor
control panel a lot, especially when I need to enlarge the print where i
don't have an enlarge button in the menu bar.


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