I klikt on web links and got dialog boxes saying

           You do not have the plug-in needed to view the
           "video/x-ms-asf" type information on this page. To
           get the plug-in now, click View Plug-in Page.
           You do not have the plug-in needed to view the
           "audio/x-pn-realaudio" type information on this
           page. To get the plug-in now, click View Plug-in Page.

I klikt the [View Plug-n Page] link and downloaded everything I 
thought might be relevant.
        (don't ask)

Perhaps unrelated,
but I have recently klikt on three web page links
only to have the computer lock up.

Three examples, all "Real":

I klikt on a snip of music on the WUOL web site.
My computer downloaded
and _immediately_ froze.

The cursor never moved again.
The Bach did not play.
Push the button; re-boot.

Same thing happened on the New York Times web site.
I klikt on "video Karbala".
My computer downloaded
and _immediately_ froze.

The cursor never moved again.
No video.
Push the button; re-boot.

Same thing happened on the New York Times web site.
I klikt on "video Karbala".
My computer downloaded
and immediately froze.

I thought the OS might time out trying and come back,
so I waited 5 minutes.

The cursor never moved again.
No video.
Push the button; re-boot.

:-(   ?
  Nelsn Helm
  helmkyny at clockwinders.net
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Enuff is enuff.
  Enough        is tu much.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be March 25. The LCS Web page is <http://www.kymac.org>.

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