Thanks, Ward, for suggesting I start a new subject thread, sorry for the

Currently I have several different address books from old applications such
as five separate Act! 4.0 (for PC) databases (that I access through Virtual
PC), two Palm address books, three excel spreadsheets and an old Outlook ?98
address book. Collectively these total about 3800 names and each of these
has some redundancy both within a given database and between the databases.

Ultimately I want to move most of these names into Entourage and use it as
my primary PIM and to synchronize with my Palm IIIx. Before importing into
Entourage, I was trying to separately clean-up each database, standardize
the format (some databases use the format title, first name, last name all
in one line and others separate each of these labels), add categories (such
as friends, business, family, etc.).

I know I can manage the data in Entourage but my existing, active address
book is Entourage and I don?t want to co-mingle the ?old? data with the
existing 837 names before correcting the ?old? data. Therefore:
1. Will Entourage allow me to create two data bases, one to use day-to-day
and one to clean-up before merging? If so, then how can I create another
Entourage data  base? I could not find it in the help menu.
2. If the answer to #1 is no, does anyone know of a simple, inexpensive PIM
that will do what I want?
3. Is there another solution altogether? I am open to any suggestions.


On 4/3/03 11:21 PM, "Ward Oldham" <woldham at> wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> First, you may in the future want to start a new thread.  Your topic has
> nothing to do with the HP printer problem.
> Second, I?m a little confused.  You already have Entourage which will
> accomplish this for you.  What exactly are you looking to do?
> Ward Oldham, MacDude
> MacTown
> 1041 Bardstown Road
> Louisville, KY  40204
> 502-485-1243
> ward at
> On 4/3/03 10:44 PM, "Frank Hammitt" <fhammitt at> wrote:
>> I am looking for an inexpensive (better is free) application to manage
>> contact information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. I seem
>> to remember a reference to such and application in one of the earlier
>> e-mails. Does anyone remember the name of the application or can suggest an
>> application that will let me import, store, manipulate the data and export to
>> other applications? I use a Ti PB 667, OSX 10.1 and Office V.x w/Entourage.
>> Entourage is where I ultimately want to used the data on a daily basis.
>> Thanks,
>> Frank

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