Offering observations only, no answers:

I've been following the recent  cable/router/DNS  related threads.
  It occurred to me of a somewhat similar communications problem
  I have with that same Safari error, but it only happens when my
  networking is consistently busy.
System configuration?
  -- Mac Mini: 1.4GHz PPC G4, 1GB RAM, 56K int. modem
  -- Boot volume: 80GB ext FW, Mac OS X v10.4.6
  -- USB Apple Pro keyboard & Optical mouse (no wireless)
Apps running?
Finder, Activity Monitor, Internet Connect, Mail, Unison (newsreader)
  -- My news server allows up to 4 simultaneous connections,
  and I have my prefs set to 3; so, my modem is always busy.
When I add Safari, Software Update, iTunes Music Store, or any
  other active network related app, I get similar kinds of n/w errors?

Safari yields the "Safari can't find the server" error; if I stop the
  Unison network activity, the Safari error has *rarely* happened.

Software Update just sits there after it begins; if I stop the Unison
  network activity, S.U. proceeds and connects to the Apple server.

iTunes Music Store yields the "network reset" error; if I stop the
  Unison network activity, iTunes connects to the Music Store.

All seemingly related to my communications (internal modem)
  being too busy to carry the addition of more network activity.

Russ Preston

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