> all was working fine.  The MAC makes it so easy so if you are having
> problems I would wonder if it may not be the unit, possibly Ward or Mark

I've  wondered the same thing.Setting up the airport for my old dial-up
account was _so_ easy, that I've thought the problems I'm having getting it
to access the new DSL account could be due to a defect in the base station.
But I don't know how to tell.

Lee Larson mentioned a possible problem with the server not recognizing the
base station; as I said in my reply to him, I saw an Apple document on
something similar. I'll go back and read it again.

I have some free time this weekend, I'll go back through the set up again
step-by-step and make sure I haven't missed something.

Tony Wilson

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be November 25. The LCS Web page is <http://www.kymac.org>.
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