Marta Edie <mledie at> wrote:
> ... can you set the Address book in Outlook Express in alphabetical
> order by last name?

I don't believe so. It is an email address book with addresses in the email
form of Marta Edie <mledie at>, period.

> How do you all control your address books  - those of you who do use Outlook
> express? To type  a name into that little box and then highlight the name to
> write a message seems an awfully round-about way...

You can't "control" it except by sorting on first names. To start a message,
just click on New and then begin typing either the first name, last name, or
email. After a few letters, Outlook will start presenting autofills for you
to select from. So its click on New, type three characters, and click again.

Allan Atherton

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be February 25. The LCS Web page is <>.

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