VueScan supports a whole slew of scanners, so there would be little  
risk involved. Also, in demo mode you cannot save your scans, or it  
write VueScan across them, or somethin. Be exuberant, it's kewl,  
people will wonder what you're up to...jf

On Feb 18, 2006, at 10:24 AM, rangrsz263 at wrote:

> jf:
> Thanks for the information and links.  Since I have probably  
> contracted a bad case of irrational exuberance as a result of  
> recent progress, I will go forth in search of this model and some  
> pretty pricey 3rd party software for it, too.  I hope the quality  
> control issues manifest themselves sooner rather than later and  
> that they are obvious rather than subtle since I generally assume  
> that malfunctions of any kind are my own fault.
> Would I just go ahead and install Vuescan right away or wait until  
> I am sure I don't need to return the machine if it is defective?
> Thanks, again.  I appreciate your help with this non Mac issue.
> Randy
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