?^/?aldazo <Rex.Baldazo at cnet.com> wrote:

> It was probably a stupid waste of money but I just
> won the bidding for
> an old PowerBook Duo on eBay.  So now I need to
> download the public OS
> 7.5.3 images from Apple and put them on some
> floppies to install onto
> the Duo (includes a DuoDock that has the 1.4 MB
> superdrive in it).  But
> the G3 blue & white that I own has a ZIP drive, not
> a floppy.  What is
> the easiest way to add a floppy drive to this thing?
> I see those USB floppy drives at CompUSA--will those
> work on a Mac?
> It's running OS X.3 if that makes any difference.
> --- Rex.

No, not a waste of money at all (well depending on how
much you paid ; )  The Duos were really cool.  I
remember drooling over 'em years ago.  Really nice
bright display on the color ones.

I have a Duo and not even sure if it works (don't have
the power brick and cord.  

I bought a USB floppy drive and I think they are all
compatable (at least I THINK they are).  It works
great.  You are welcome to borrow mine unless you
think you may need to buy one to use on an ongoing


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