Three posts (none mine) from another list + article on browsers from NY Times:

>I want to thank Peter Wayner for his terrific 
>article today in the "Circuits" section of the 
>NY Times. After five years of my trusty G3, I 
>bit the bullet and got an iMac G5 -- it arrived 
>on Tuesday. Oddly, AOL's OSX won't work my 
>"peer-to-peer IP address range" (I'm quoting 
>Jesse at AOL Tech Support), which is supplied by 
>our Airport Base Station. For me to continue to 
>use AOL, I have to change each of our computers' 
>IP addresses manually, a proposition that fills 
>with terror the little men running up and down 
>my bloodstream, and me too.
>So, I'm saying good-bye to AOL, at long last -- 
>and Wayner's thorough, smart, clear, and 
>fun-to-read review has given me the final push 
>to do so.  I never heard of half of these 
>browsers! It's exciting. A  "custom-tailored" 
>world awaits.
>Thanks, Peter.

[>>===> article at end of this post]


Congratulations on your new G5! I switched to OSX 
almost two years ago with my new powerbook, and 
if your experience is anything like mine, you'll 
soon find OS 9 ("Classic") programs almost as 
distasteful as Windows... I still have to use an 
older version of QuarkXPress for a 
publisher-client - and I hate it!

As far as browsers are concerned, I can't imagine 
you'll want to use anything other than the one 
that came with your machine: Safari.

Now that you have OSX I would definitely 
recommend you take a look at the fantastic 
writers' program Ulysses, which Jonah Keegan 
recommended on this list last October. I acted on 
his advice almost immediately (thanks, Jonah!) - 
it is simply fantastic! They're in Stuttgart, by 
the way, so you can practice your German with 
them when you register it if you want to. Come to 
think of it, the program is in German, too - at 
least mine is. But I assume they also have an 
English version.

Re female leads: I agree with Brad Burg. I've 
often wondered if Julia Roberts isn't a long-lost 
member of the British royal family. It's often 
been said that the Windsors' affinity for horses 
might have something to do with family 
physiognomy... But I must say that she has an 
absolutely lovely voice (the one I'm familiar 
with at least - her German voice is the wife of 
an old friend of mine, a TV actress from East 
German times who magically manages to supress her 
strong Berlin accent in the sound studio. She's 
also Ally McBeal...)


For the Mac-o-lytes on the list.  I just found 
this program 
which is being sold as a stripped down 
text-editor for creative writing folks.  It's 
called Ulysses :o)

- no need to worry about upfront formatting 
(which is something I have yet to learn how to 
ignore in 

- notes window for each doc that will hold just 
about anything (rich text, images, sound, video)

- files are "projects" so you can easily create 
multiple documents (this is, in fact, the point) 
eg. chapters, acts, stream-of-conscoiusness rants 
etc. and they are all held together (and 
organized) without the need to make 50 new 
folders in the finder that you are just going to 
lose track of anyway....not that it's ever 
happened to me

- and finally, my FAVE-o-rite feature, hit 
shift-openapple-F and the screen goes black, 
leaving you with nothing but a cusor and whatever 
you happen to have written thus far in pleasant, 
low-eyestrain their marketing 
material states, just you and your text? :D

It's been out for a year so maybe this is old 
news, and it's not terribly cheap 100 euros, but 
you can try free for 30 days, and so far I am 
thinking I might just have to buy it next month.


the article >>===>

Custom Tailor a Web Browser Just for You

Published: January 27, 2005

T used to be that Internet Explorer, the 
one-size-fits-all Web browser bundled with every 
copy of  Microsoft Windows, was enough for most 
people. It worked well and cost nothing. Who 
needed anything else?

  That attitude is fading these days as consumers 
begin to realize that other browsers offer more 
features, better security and greater freedom. 
Bells and whistles, perhaps, but some of them can 
be surprisingly useful.

  The number of competitors to Internet Explorer 
is surprisingly large and diverse. The most 
commonly mentioned alternatives are Mozilla and 
its cousin, the recently released Firefox 1.0, 
two browsers descended from Netscape, the early 
Internet company that is now part of AOL. Firefox 
is a Web browser pure and simple. Mozilla uses 
the same basic core (known as Gecko) and adds 
tools for reading e-mail, chatting and composing 
Web pages.

Both are open source tools freely distributed and 
subject to modification by programmers worldwide.

If you are considering making the leap to a 
different browser, there are other choices, too. 
A Norwegian company, Opera, is selling its 
browser (though a free version that displays 
advertising is available as well).  Apple has 
Safari, which builds on one called Konqueror, 
from the world of Linux.

  If that's not enough to choose from, there are 
dozens of browsers out there like Amaya and Dillo 
that cater mainly to people with particular 
interests ("Star Trek" fans, for example).

  There are also hybrids like Netcaptor, Phaseout 
and Avant that use Internet Explorer's core and 
add new features. Microsoft encourages software 
developers to revise and extend Internet 
Explorer, and maintains a catalog of such 
offerings at Some, 
like Netcaptor, which offers a popular feature 
called tabbed browsing and sells for $30, cost 
extra, but many are free.

  This mix-and-match nature is echoed by Mozilla 
and Firefox, which also help users create their 
own features, known as extensions. There is a 
large collection of extensions at the Mozilla 
update site (, including tools 
that add weather forecasts to the margins of the 
Web browser, let you control the music playing in 
the background, or make it easy to look up a word 
in a dictionary.

  In general, all of these browsers display the 
images and text from Web sites in much the same 
way. (There are some exceptions, mainly because 
some Web designers do not test their sites on all 
browsers. In cases where the layout is mangled or 
the page simply behaves oddly, the solution may 
be to use another browser.) Which one is right 
for you may come down to personality, aesthetics, 
security concerns and your work environment. Here 
are some of the major distinguishing 


One of the most popular new browser features 
displays multiple Web pages behind different 
tabs. The idea is so simple - it is similar to 
the tabbed dividers in a binder - that it might 
not seem like much of an innovation, but devotees 
wonder how they got along without it. A set of 
tabs at the top or bottom of the window allows 
you to switch among open pages.

  The big advantage comes when browsing Web sites 
with many links, like the headlines on newspaper 
sites. If you hold down a key - usually Control - 
and click on interesting links, the browser will 
load the stories in pages behind the one you are 
reading. By the time you are done skimming the 
main page, the images and text for the next 
stories will be ready for reading. Clicking on 
the correct tab takes you there instantly.

  Opera was one of the first to offer tabs; now 
Mozilla and Firefox do. Internet Explorer does 
not offer the feature, but it can be purchased by 
installing Netcaptor.

Web search is another area in which browser 
makers have sought to distinguish themselves. 
Nearly everyone relies on search engines like  
Google, so browser designers have tried to make 
this job as painless as possible. In Firefox, 
Opera and Safari, there is a search field at the 
top of the main browser window next to the field 
holding the address of the site you're visiting. 
Type in search terms and hit return, and the 
results appear immediately. There is no need to 
go to the search engine's main page.

  Opera takes this one step further and offers 
other fields for a price search of stores or a 
direct search of  Amazon. Mozilla has a special 
sidebar dedicated to displaying the search 
results where you can see them while you browse 
through the recommended Web sites in the main 
part of the window.

  Internet Explorer users can get some of the same 
capabilities with a third-party toolbar from 
Google ( Firefox enthusiasts 
have duplicated the Google toolbar for Firefox 

  Security and Privacy

The last year has been difficult for the team 
responsible for the security of Internet 
Explorer. There has been a stream of reports of 
loopholes and backdoors in the Microsoft browser 
that could expose users to data theft or the loss 
of control over their computers. Microsoft has 
dutifully fixed the holes, but some computer 
professionals have observed that fewer such holes 
affect other browsers.

  Some of these professionals suggest that users 
could increase their security by choosing another 
browser and that alternatives are built with more 
attention to detail.

  The authors of Mozilla, for instance, argue that 
contributions from the open-source community help 
eliminate loopholes. Microsoft, by contrast, 
maintains tight control over Internet Explorer 
and relies on its own programmers to fix problems.

  (Others counter this by pointing out that all 
software is flawed and that attackers choose 
Internet Explorer because it is dominant. If 
other browsers become more popular, the argument 
goes, they will become targets.)

  Blocking outside attacks is just part of the 
challenge. Many Web browsers help users by 
storing information like addresses, passwords and 
lists of recently visited Web sites. In the past, 
clearing this information out of your computer 
required navigating to several menus, making it 
harder for people to use public machines, share 
home machines or donate them to charities.

  Apple's Safari was one of the first Web browsers 
to offer a single button, prominently displayed, 
that gets rid of stored information. Mozilla, 
Firefox and others now incorporate similar 
cleanup features.

  Safari, Mozilla and other browsers also offer 
compact tools for examining and, if you want to, 
deleting the small tracking files called cookies 
that are stored on computers by Web sites. 
Mozilla's (also found under Tools, Options, 
Privacy), for instance, lets the user select from 
among various policies for managing cookies and 
also examine the data hidden inside them. This is 
one area where Microsoft has been a leader, and 
Internet Explorer offers an extensive system for 
cookie management.


Many browsers are adding features that give users 
some power to customize the display of Web sites. 
Opera's extensive View menu will soon include a 
feature known as Fit to Window that will 
automatically shrink a page that is too big to 
fit on your screen until there is no need to 
scroll to see it. If this leaves some parts too 
small, another feature lets you zoom in on one 

  Opera also lets users substitute their own 
layout guides for pages known as Cascading Style 
Sheets. This powerful feature can create 
outlines, change colors, eliminate large images 
and give general control over the look of the 

  Safari, Mozilla and Firefox take a more limited 
approach and let you change the size of the fonts 
used to render the page, a nice feature if the 
fine print is a bit too fine. Holding down the 
control key while pressing the plus or minus key 
activates this feature.

  The new browsers also offer tools to block parts 
of Web sites. Opera, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari and 
others can prevent a Web site from opening new 
windows, which often contain advertisements.

  There are hundreds of other tweaks and 
enhancements fighting for attention. The open 
platform offered by many of the browsers 
encourages any programmer to convert an idea into 
a working bit of code.

  Some of these enhancements are practical. MapIt, 
an extension for Firefox, for example, lets you 
select an address on one page and immediately 
find a map of that location.

  Some are fun. One called Gnusto lets you play games in Firefox.

  And some cannot be classified. If you want to 
track the current color of the threat level 
announced by the Department of Homeland Security, 
one extension for Firefox will monitor the 
announcements and display an icon in the margins.
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