On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 07:40  PM, Troy Mello wrote:

> Jerry,
> Thanks for writing.  M$ (love the abbreviation, by the way) does have 
> a v.10 for Mac OSX... not an update, but an entirely new version.  I 
> will try downloading that version, but first...
> Are you being sarcastic about making sure M$ "does not hijack your 
> browsers, etc."???  Or could there be probably from downloading a new 
> version?  (Yeah... I'm way out in left field with this!)

Not a bit! M$ has been embedding various little gotchas into their 
software to report all sorts of information back to Redmond about how 
folks use their software. Media Player is their first foray into doing 
this on the Mac  platform. From what I hear, Media Player will maintain 
a list of movies, etc. that and report said list back to the developers 
at M$. Please note that what I am reporting has been widely documented 
and reported so that you understand I am not engaging in an anti-M$ 
rant here. They (M$) also do things like reset your browser to default 
to IE, the home page to be ... etc.

> And v.10 (on the IE download page) is listed as a carbonized version.  
> What does that mean?  Is is just a mirror image of simlar programs for 
> other OS's?

Carbonized means that it has been programmed to run under OS-9 and 
OS-X. it should start up the appropriate version for the main OS you 
are running. This is opposed to a Cocoa version which only runs under 
OS-X. There are many debates about the merits of Carbon versus Cocoa, 
so I will let others chime in on that score.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be May 27. The LCS Web page is <http://www.kymac.org>.

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