On Sep 30, 2005, at 7:47 PM, rangrsz263 at aol.com wrote:

> After months of struggling to get along with my first Mac, actually  
> using it for its intended purpose, a digital darkroom, seemed like  
> a good idea. I followed the batch rename, rate and Contact Sheet  
> directions in the Scott Kelby Photoshop CS 2 Book for Photogs. When  
> I reached the point when I could choose OK, Photoshop said, "All  
> files in folder cannot be opened by Photoshop". It also said, "  
> Could not complete Contact Sheet II command because a command was  
> unavailable." Hmm.

Were you actually able to Rename the files? I assume you are  
accessing the Batch Rename command from within the Tools menu in CS2  
Bridge from folders stored elsewhere on your HD. I suspect invisible  
DNS.store files which would not be openable in Bridge. Note: In Batch  
Rename > Options, checking the preserve filename in XMP metadata will  
allow you to retrieve your original filename should things go wrong...jf
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