Group, I need a little advice. I have two  mail  accounts, insight and in my mailbox. Before, I used to forward my insight account  to 
my .mac, in order to receive and send mail on the .mac. Since insight 
now has webmail, I did not do that. But somehow I don't seem to get my 
.mac mail now, for instance all the group' s mail .I can send from 
insight to, or from gmail to, and it works alright. 
However, somehow when I click on my regular mail account, I don't seem 
to receive anything, it first runs thus: first it goes to 
fetching mail, then  to , but I don't get  my macmail, ( 
which I always did before) although I can retrieve webmail from 
insight,'s web page , but when I put the .mac mail webssite up, I get 
only the stuff I wrote   myself to test the system,or  mail forwarded 
from gmail to .mac or from the web-insight forwarded to .mac.. Would I 
have to do something else in the preferences? I surely thought getting 
to the .mac web account would be sufficient.  Please send enlightenment 
to mledie at or marta.edie at, but then also try out 
on the regular, just for me to check it out or see whether the 
daemon hits you back. Thanks a million.
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