On Jul 27, 2005, at 3:00 PM, Rex Baldazo speculated:

> It wasn't really clear to me that this means for sure you'll be  
> able to
> play songs purchased from iTunes Music Store on a PSP, but apparently
> sony has released a patch (for the Japanese version only so far) that
> enables AAC playback on a PSP:
> http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/27/news_6129825.html
> I would think if it really did enable iTMS playback, there would have
> been some kind of uproar from Apple by now.

Apple encrypts their AAC files with a method they call Fairplay.  
Unless Sony has also included Fairplay, you won't be able to play  
iTunes files without some program like Hymn to remove the Fairplay  
encoding. I've been surprised that Apple's lawyers haven't dropped  
something hard and heavy on those folks.
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