I wish the AT&T guy would tell me it is available in rural Shellby County.

Maybe I better sell the farm and move into town. My only choice under sixty-plus bucks per mo. is my old, slow dial up, and would you believe that on a good day I might download at 3kb. Last week even my AT&T phone quit, so I called service, and the AT&T service man showed up Monday Morning, and told me I had a family of mice living in the junction box down on the road, and they had eaten all the insulation off the wires. I ask him if he had it fixed, and he told me that the AT&T cat was working on the problem.

Neal Hammon
Fox Run Road
Shelby County

On Aug 430, 1120092007, at 3:23 PM, Jonathan Fletcher wrote:

On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:00 PM, Ed Wiser <ewi...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

AT&T U-verse Arrives in Louisville

Finally Insight has competition.

Some AT&T guys were canvassing my neighborhood a few weeks ago, and I told them that I wouldn't even talk to them until they had something to beat the TWENTY-SIX Megabit service that I get from Insight. One of the guys said that they would be having UVerse in a few weeks and then I could have 12 megabit downloads AND the same back up! (Insight has only 1.5 up.) Most people typically just download so that's the only number they care about, but I do a lot of things (remote access to my home network being the main thing, but uploading big files to my website, also) that could benefit from better upload speeds I can get so I was very interested in that 12 Mbit up.

I told them to come back when it was a reality, we shook hands and they went on their way.

So, it was with great interest that I read the article in the C-J this morning. Nothing mentioned about the upload speeds, though. I suspect that it will be the same old asymmetrical service that we have put up with since we were amazed at this newfangled conglomeration of competing technologies called "broadband."

We'll see. Otherwise they are going to have to get a lot cheaper to drag me away from Insight.

BTW, the other day I clocked my connection at 29.5 Mbit download. The service they guarantee with my contract is "up to" 20 megabit. Upload speeds are claimed to be "up to" 1.5 mbs, but I've almost never seen it reach even that.

[TWENTY-NINE megabits per second is almost half again as fast as they promise. It is three times that of 10baseT ethernet. It is almost a third of 100BaseT. Oh, and it is more than FIVE HUNDRED TIMES as fast as that horrible little beast my mom uses to dial up her spam-and-urban-myth-laden email.]

Yes, I am greedy, and this is definitely a first-world problem, but at times like this I am reminded of the words of one of the richest men who ever lived, John D. Rockefeller, who was once was asked, "How much is enough bandwidth?" His answer: "Just a little bit more." (Okay, the question was paraphrased a bit, but the answer is an exact quote!)

Bottom line: maybe I won't get access to super-fast uploads, but perhaps my monthly Insight bill will go down.

Funny, I got a notice from Insight the other day saying that they were going to increase my rates less than they could now that my year of promotional pricing had ended. I thought, "Great! Annnnnd...you want me to thank you!?"

After reading the article this morning, now I know why. Perhaps UVerse is already having an affect on local pricing!


Jonathan Fletcher
FileMaker 9 & 10 Certified Developer
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