Got my Amazon-supplied Family pack of Snow Kat yesterday. Only one problem, so far. If you use SuperDuper!, upgrade to v.2.6.1 which is SL compatible. Otherwise, your copy/cloning runs will meet with permission problems.

Upgraded (free of course) and now works great as before.


On Sep 3, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Greg Schoettmer wrote:

Hi All,
    The good, the bad and the REALLY ugly.

Received my Snow Leopard (OS 10.6) disk in the mail yesterday. I had preordered through Amazon. The good news is that after I ordered it, they sent an e-mail advising that they had found it on sale for $5.00 less than I
paid ($24.99 vs. $29.00 w/ free shipping). They credited my account for
$5.00! I loaded it last night; it took about 55 minutes.

Now the bad and the ugly. After the upgrade, most of my appointments duplicated in my schedule multiple times. For example, if I had "Joe Smith's Birthday" every September 1st, I now have that appointment showing several times on each September 1st. The appointments were not duplicated once but multiple times with a different multiple for different appointments. I had some duplicated as many as 14 times. Ironically, some appointments did not
duplicate at all.

    I went back 6 months and forward 6 months, manually deleted all the
duplicated appointments, then went to bed. I awoke this morning to find that
the appointments had again multiplied like rabbits.

    What is going on here?!??!?!

I use Entourage which syncs through iCal to my iPod touch via iTunes.

    Tonight I might find out just how good Time Machine really is.....


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