About a month ago I bought a new MacBook, which as far as I can tell is more
or less the same as my desktop PowerPC, bought last year, except that it's a
bit faster and runs OS 10.5.8 vs. the desktop's OS 10.5.5.

The MacBook came with Bluetooth installed, of course.  My wife bought me a
Bluetooth mouse (I've never used Bluetooth before); and one of her tech-y
students came and set up the laptop so I could get on the Internet.  (I've
been with Apple/Mac for 25 years -- since the Apple IIc -- and I still don't
know much about 'em, except to know when to gas 'em up and change the oil.
I buy 'em to write with, not to tinker with.)

I digress.  My problem is that the Bluetooth mouse worked fine with the new
laptop for about a week or so, then the icon mysteriously disappeared from
the menu AND the hard drive.  Before I could get around to calling for help,
it miraculously reappeared  -- but the mouse still doesn't work.  It's
turned on and has new batteries.  Bluetooth File Exchange shows in the dock,
the Bluetooth icon is in the menu bar, and when the pull-down drops, it
shows that Bluetooth is turned on and "Discoverable."  The rub -- in
addition to the mouse not working -- comes when I go to Setup Assistant,
click on the mouse radio button, click Continue -- and the next window gives
me the whirling-dervish-bicycle-spokes gizmo (as opposed to the deadly
beachball), and tells me it can't find a mouse nowhere, no way.  I've gone
through this routine a dozen times, with the same results:  nada.   Any
suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Nolan Porterfield
MacGroup mailing list

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