What fascinates me the most is how open people are with all their personal information.

Whatever you put out there, not only on Facebook, but anywhere, is available to be noted by anyone who cares to look it up or hack into it.

I'm on Facebook too, but I'm really careful what I put out there -- mainly hardly anything. On the other hand like Suzanne, I have found it an exceedingly valuable tool for learning things. :-)


Suzanne Blake wrote:
Marta Edie wrote:
Will somebody tell me

I use it to see what my grown children are up to. I learned to tell my sister's grandchildren apart (raised in Arizona) so when they come to Mother's funeral, I knew a little about them. Some of my own age friends have joined, but many don't actually do anything with it. I have lured some college friends to join, but most only post every couple of months. Young people use it much more.

It's good for staying in contact with people from out of town.

I never play the games, but enjoy the photos. You have a lot of control over who sees what that you do.

Suzanne Blake

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