
The movie was a great accomplishment; and from what you shared with us, just getting it to play was another feat. Congratulations!

Next weekend at your 50th will be such a blast! And, with all your efforts, it will be an occasion for everyone to remember.

Our 50th in 2005 was our last reunion. It was a whole lot of fun. One of our classmates took copious pictures which I enjoy viewing to this day.

Thank you for sharing your project with us. Be sure and let us know how it turns out.

Good luck and break a leg! (Is that what they tell movie producers? Smile)


John Robinson wrote:
Once again I will be talking to a small audience I am sure but just in case there would be someone out there that could use the info. I wanted to send.

A week from tomorrow my wife and I have our 50 year class reunion, I have been working a year to really put on a show for our classmates, more work that you would care to hear.  The last item was to make a movie, I had to learn FinalCut X, Motion, Compressor, Color (build into FinalCut X) and I attempted Logic but had to shelve it until after the class but I could do a lot of the audio work inside FinalCut.

For the group I will use a projector to a very large screen with Bose L1 speakers for sound.  I completed the movie just yesterday so now the trick was to first see if I could get this to work with the projector.  I am using a Mini due to the HDMI output, then I will use the earbud outputs to the Bose sound system, I wanted to be sure I could do this and the sound didn't attempt to go out the HDMI cable.  No one at Apple had ever tried it but they all thought it would work.  

So this morning I hooked everything up and this is what I wanted to tell the group.  The HDMI would do the video, the sound would go to the BOSE, so I was elated, however I could NOT get the video to play on the screen.  I could see other items on the large screen but no movie.   After setting up the resolutions for the projector I turned on mirroring and everything would show up but the video.  What the heck?

I disconnected everything from the projector and moved it to a flatscreen thinking there may be a setting in the projector I didn't know about.  Nope, same thing on the flatscreen.   

I spent forever and by accident I found the problem.  WHEN you are running a movie in Quicktime, at least under the setup I was using, you have to change to FULL SCREEN (In Lion), the screen rolls around and there is your video.  Take it off Full screen and you are back to whatever is on your desktop, be it a spreadsheet, iTunes, etc. etc.  but watching a movie in Quicktime REQUIRES FULL SCREEN to work.  

Maybe there is a setting I couldn't figure out but no need this works perfect.  You can't control the volume with your keyboard using Fullscreen, that takes you out of fullscreen and your video is gone (hidden) but you can use a Front Row remote to control the Mini, including the sound, and it doesn't alter your video at all. 

I will film more at the Alumni Banquet, our party after the banquet at a local restaurant, then I will film the big party Saturday night.  When all this is done I will add this to what I will show my classmates, end with a section about our families (many of the group have sent me their entire family photo's) and THEN I will burn a DVD which I will mail to everyone in the class so they won't have to mess with this, they can just play the DVD but for me using it Saturday night I had to figure a way to play this in Quicktime.  Turns out it's pretty cool.


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