I have had a dot-mac email address since 2002, but for the last few months
I have only been able to fetch that mail on my iPad, not on my MacBook Pro
or on my iPhone. The iPad apparently offers no user-defined filtering, so
the amount of spam coming through makes the account basically unusable.

I changed the password to 10 characters including numbers and upper and
lower case and no dictionary words. This made no difference at all.

On the MBP, Mail.app's Connection Doctor says iCloud IMAP is connected, but
iCloud POP says, "Trying to log into the iCloud POP account failed. Verify
that the username and password are correct." They are correct.

iPhone 3GS also says, "The user name or password for ".mac POP" is
incorrect." But it isn't.

Anyone have ideas before I tackle Oxmoor and the Genius Bar? All devices
are fully updated: 10.7.4 for the MBP, iOS 5.1.1 for the iPad and iPhone.

Many thanks,
MacGroup mailing list

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