On May 20, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Bill Holt <billh...@iglou.com> wrote:

> Yes.  In addition to that, I have things activate, without me having the 
> desire for them to do so, frequently.  Especially annoying is when the thing 
> that holds your widgets - I forget the name - decides to make an appearance.  
> Overall, I'd say that 10.8 is the glitchiest system I've experienced since 
> system 4.  If it were ten thousand times worse I'd suspect it was  disguised 
> beta for Windows 9.

Maybe you should check your Mission Control preferences. Make sure "Show 
Dashboard as a space" is not checked and see if Launchpad is set on a hot 
corner you might often be visiting.

Alternatives to Finder such as Forklift, TotalFinder, TotalSpaces and Path 
Finder change the normal launching behavior. Are any of those installed?

PS/ I've been using Finder replacements for a while now. I use Path Finder at 
home and on my laptop. In my office, I’m trying out the combination of Forklift 
and Total Finder. I think I'll soon be using Path Finder everywhere before long.

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