Jonathan, Thanks so much for making us aware of Marta's situation. You're a good friend to have.

On 6/19/13 12:15 AM, Jonathan Fletcher wrote:
On Jun 18, 2013, at 11:36 PM, "J. Blake" < <>> wrote:

I called Jewish Hospital a few minutes ago (11:28 p.m.), and they said Marta Edie is now at Frazier Rehab, room 916. You can choose Frazier right on the e-card page.

Yes. I forgot to mention that I stopped by to see Marta yesterday. Yes, she is in Frazier 916.

They did operate on her hip, but there was some confusion as to exactly what they did. (With HIPAA, I can't just walk up to a nurse and ask.) She says she cannot move one of her legs right now, so walking anytime soon may prove a tough goal.

She has her iPhone and checks her mail occasionally, so she has seen some of our conversations here. She is weak, her stamina comes in fits and starts and her focus comes and goes. She might be able to respond to personal messages, but don't expect anything long.

She will be at Frazier for a while longer, and then will likely be moved to another facility. They're trying to line one up. I'll keep y'all posted.

She appreciates you all thinking of her and your prayers.


Jonathan Fletcher

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