I have a brand new USB2 HDD, which I partitioned. 

Meanwhile, I'm using SuperDooper to back up to a one of the new, empty, 
partitions.. The disk copied too has been blinking 24/7 for perhaps a week, and 
SuperDooper reports an "Effective copy speed 0.97 MB/s" (and falling). I just 
turned SuperDooper off..

Using SilverKeeper, I have been trying to back up to the other empty partition. 
It runs for a while and stops writing. It does not say it's quitting. It just 
quits. The bar no longer progresses.

Disk Utility cannot
        repair or verify either partition.  It does not say it's quitting. It 
just quits. The bar no longer progresses.
        erase either partition.  It does not say it's quitting. It just quits. 
The bar no longer progresses.
        re-partition.  It does not say it's quitting. It just quits. The bar no 
longer progresses.
        quit. I must quit it thru Activity Monitor.

Disk Warrior begins saying
        Inspecting diskā€¦
        "Step 1. Searching entire disk in final rescue attempt."  It does not 
say it's quitting. It just quits.
        Then, it will not quit. I must quit it thru Activity Monitor. 

All of this is troubling.

I have no idea what I have done to cause this.

Nelsn Helm
4112 Massie Av 3
Louisville, KY 40207-2179

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