> On May 31, 2016, at 10:08, John Humphries <johnedna2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have OS X El Capitan, 10.11.5 on my iMac.
> Which is "better" - Chrome or Safari? Or another suggested over either?

I prefer Safari for most things, but use Chrome for sites which force me to use 
Flash. This can be made less painful by turning on the Develop menu in Safari 
(Safari > Preferences, click the Advanced tab, check the 'Show Develop menu in 
menubar' checkbox). Then... if the (foolish) website says you need Flash, go to 
Develop > Open Page With, and choose Chrome. (I do this because Google 
distributes Flash with Chrome and keeps it updated well... at least for now. 
They will be pulling support for Chrome at some point in the future.)

> Which is "better" - Google or Yahoo? Or another suggested over either?

As much as I hate Google's tracking of everything (intrusive pita that they 
are), I use Google. You can use incognito mode in Google to prevent a history, 
but I doubt if Google stops tracking you for themselves. I've seen chatter 
about duckduckgo.com for private searching but never used it. As for Yahoo!, I 
have an irrational dislike of anyone using punctuation as part of their name, 
so I avoid Yahoo! and Yum! Brands. ;<)


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