Tech Support 101

A few months ago I received a notification from Apple that someone was setting 
up a new iPhone using my information, they denied as some of the pattern did 
not match my profile..

So now what do I do.

I changed my password to log into iTunes, iCloud, certain aspects of Apple 
(such as changing your profile, credit card, etc).

I allowed Apple to set the password, using their encrypted method that would 
take decades to break.

I use this on most websites and it’s so simple for keychain handles the work 
for me….

But…it doesn’t do so in the root login to an Apple site, you have to manually 
enter the number yourself…good grief, I had to print up the two accounts I 
have, laminate them, and carry them around with my drivers license etc.   NOT 
the right decision.

I had a problem with the iPadPro that did not allow my books (ePub) highlights 
to be highlighted on the iPadPro…they worked on every other device I had, all 
the computers, other iPads and the iPhone.

I called tech support and here is where Apple really is the cream of the crop.  

They advanced me to level two, turns out I had to reinstall the iPad software, 
somewhere a glitch had not allowed the iBooks portion of the iOS to install.  
This lady worked with me for at least 90 minutes, she remote longed into my Mac 
and watched what I did on the Mac and the iPad…

It was so time consuming but the result was a perfectly working iPadPro with 
all the highlighted books appearing.

WHILE I was talking to her I mentioned the difficulty I was having with the 
Apple supplied password, but I didn’t want to go back to the old password that 
someone could figure out.

She suggested using a two step authentication…so tonight I called her about 
9:00 p.m. our time, around 10:45 she called me back..

She walked me through the process of setting this up, not exactly super easy 
but NOW I have an easy to remember password that could be obtained just as 
before…HOWEVER in addition to this password I have a passcode sent to one of my 
other devices for me to then enter for my access to Apple.

While setting this up those codes would come in on the iPad when setting up for 
the iPhone,  when setting up for the iPhone they came in on the iPad and the 
Apple Watch, when setting up for the Mac it came in on the iPhone and Watch.

Once all my devices are complete I will not have to go through this again 
unless I am making a purchase or doing a change.

So, well see if this is going to be an easy thing, if so then from now on I 
will NOT be hacked, they might get my password but they won’t have any way to 
get the code to complete the authorization

I wanted to pass this on for two reasons, first the help Apple gives is simply 
amazing….never was she rude, rushed me, and the installation of all the new 
software on the iPad took 30 min. or so and she simply checked back with me 
every 4 min or so as she could see the progress on her end but she was assuring 
me I was still being helped.

Then this late tonight she worked a good while getting all this set up.

The other thing is the effort Apple goes through to make us comfortable with 
our security.  If we are willing to exert the effort they will make it so we 
are darn safe.



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