Anna, don’t have a clue but found this:


What is, and why is Chrome blocking it? 

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down vote
Lately, whenever I click on a download link in Google Chrome, it redirects to 
another link starting with, which in turn gets blocked either 
by Chrome or by my Antivirus (Comodo Internet Security). Copying the same link 
into Firefox or(*) a download manager downloads the file normally.

I have tried resetting Chrome settings, disconnecting my Google account, 
removing all extensions, disabling all plugins, and performing a system scan, 
but the issue persists. 

My question is: What exactly is Is it malicious, or is Chrome 
mistrusting it? And how do I fix the issue?


An example file that invokes such behavior is Pandoc msi setup from this page 
(*) It no longer works with Firefox

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edited Apr 5 '15 at 1:16 
asked Apr 5 '15 at 0:17
@thexacre clicking the link you posted leads me directly to this one:… 
 which is blocked by my browser – Timmy 
<> Apr 5 '15 at 0:58 
My mistake, you're right. The link is on a GitHub domain but it 302 redirects 
to an S3 domain. You might want to a. post this on the Pandoc issue tracker <> and b. ask 
for a checksum of the packages so you can confirm the ones you downloaded 
haven't been tampered with. – thexacre 
<> Apr 5 '15 at 1:01 
For me the md5sum of pandoc-1.13.2-windows.msi is 
d368d072a2b84c72f1ed863db96d7826. I didn't have any trouble downloading it but 
I'm on Ubuntu and I don't have Comodo. – thexacre 
<> Apr 5 '15 at 1:03 
It looks like you used 1.13.1 but mine was for 1.13.2. I downloaded 1.13.1 and 
got f40cb166d8f915afa9df978c014cc94d the same as you. – thexacre 
<> Apr 5 '15 at 1:23 
It might just be a false positive, but I'd encourage you to raise this issue on 
their issue tracker just in case. I myself have been involved with a fairly 
large open source project who were the the victim of targeted attacks to both 
compromise our GitHub accounts and tamper with our download packages. It can 
happen. –thexacre <>Apr 5 
'15 at 1:31 

> On Jul 12, 2016, at 1:19 PM, Anne Cartwright <> wrote:
> <>
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