Folks, I’m in marketing, I love to extoll the benefits of a product I believe 
in….I have never sold on price, always why you would want the product I offer.  
If I can’t give you such then I’ve failed in my work…thus I send to this group 
a bunch of info…if it’s beyond why this group was formed let me know and I’ll 
certainly close shop and not be such a nuisance….


This afternoon a trip to the Apple store for a free battery replacement in my 
wife’s iPhone.  The store was like Walmart at Christmas, as always.  


Retail is having the struggle of it’s life, why does Apple retail flourish?  
Why does the Apple store actually draw traffic to a mall that otherwise would 
be on life-support?  

Then today this article and video.  If you have any interest in Apple’s retail 
mission then listen to the 17 minute video conducted by LinkedIn with Angela 
Ahrendts, Marketing Chief for Apple..anyone in business might want to sit up 
tall and take notes.

Retail chief Angela Ahrendts talks ‘Today at Apple’ and more in video interview

Apple Retail chief Angela Ahrendts has appeared in a video interview promoting 
the new Today at Apple 
initiative launching 
<> at Apple 
Stores this week 
 In the discussion with LinkedIn’s Daniel Roth, Ahrendts talks about her 
approach to leading Apple Retail to success when some retailers are struggling. 
Included in the video are some interesting numbers like Apple’s employee 
retention rate and even how many beacons were just installed overnight as part 
of the Today at Apple effort.

The clip highlights Apple Retail’s 18% growth in the last quarter and compares 
Apple Store’s 85% retention rate among 67,000 employees compared to 20% average 
across the rest of the industry. Ahrendts added that in the United States,  
that rate is actually higher at 88% among full-time employees who make up 
two-thirds of the retail division. 

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