I recall back in the, gosh was it the 80's or 90's that the mac group had 
meetings and Randy was the facilitator. Well, I have been in this group ever 
since then. Most times I just read the posts but every now and then I do have a 
legitimate question.
I have an old, old power mac. Keeping it for sentimental reasons I guess, and 
the fact that it still works. I can run Quark 4 and Photoshop, and I purchased 
Illustrator at a yard sale for $5 bucks. 
Trying to get back into my graphics and illustrations.
 I remember that your can run certain programs back, or certain programs can 
read backwards. What is the next power mac that can run these programs. I am 
not even sure they make power macs anymore or what is the next step up, power 
mac wise. I will do some internet searching, in the meantime can anyone give me 
some tips on moving forward with the software that I have.
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