Copy this to a file, make executable and run it.  I am assuming you are running Stretch from the kernel version? You haven't said.

I have never seen this problem before and you are probably missing something basic.


apt-get install -y  build-essential debhelper libpth-dev libgtk2.0-dev tcl-dev tk-dev bwidget python-tk python-dev libglu1-mesa-dev \
            libncurses5-dev libxaw7-dev gettext libmodbus-dev;

apt-get install -y  libudev-dev git libmodbus-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-thread-dev libtk-img automake autoconf libtool libusb-dev;

apt-get install -y  automake1.11 libtool libtool-bin liburiparser-dev cmake libssl-dev  openssl python-setuptools  libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev  uuid-dev libavahi-client-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev \
             avahi-daemon libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler python-protobuf libprotoc-dev uuid-runtime python-avahi python-netifaces avahi-discover;

apt-get install -y  libssl-dev uuid-dev libavahi-client-dev libavahi-common-dev libdbus-1-dev python-pyftpdlib libmodbus-dev libudev-dev libglib2.0-dev \
            libgl1-mesa-dev libxmu-dev python-netifaces liburiparser-dev python-protobuf ;

apt-get install -y libjansson-dev pkg-config libwebsockets-dev python-pyftpdlib cython bwidget lsb-release gtk+2.0-dev tk8.6-dev tcl8.6-dev libreadline-dev python-tk libglu1-mesa-dev;

apt-get install -y libczmq-dev  python-zmq ;


On 22/09/18 18:11, mngr wrote:
Hi everybody,
I have compiled from source, and now I am trying to execute, machinekit stars, but axis does not:

- 0.1
Machine configuration directory is '/home/pi/machinekit/configs/CRAMPS'
Machine configuration file is 'CRAMPS.ini'
Starting Machinekit...
rtapi_msgd command
:  /home/pi/machinekit/libexec/rtapi_msgd --instance=0 --rtmsglevel=1 --usrmsglevel=1 --halsize=524288
rtapi_app command
:  /home/pi/machinekit/libexec/rtapi_app_rt-preempt --instance=0
io started
halcmd loadusr io started
task pid
: using builtin interpreter
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/machinekit/bin/axis", line 3362, in <module>
File "/home/pi/machinekit/bin/axis", line 3259, in get_coordinate_font
.use_pango_font(coordinate_font, 0, 128)
File "/home/pi/machinekit/lib/python/", line 6, in use_pango_font
import cairo, pango, pangocairo
ImportError: No module named pango
Shutting down and cleaning up Machinekit...
Cleanup done
Machinekit terminated with an error.  You can find more information in the log:
as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the terminal

there is some problem with pango...

but gi.repository PangoCairo has some function defined differently from pangocairo

pi@realtimepi:~/machinekit/configs/CRAMPS $ uname -a
Linux realtimepi 4.14.66-rt40-v7 #2 SMP PREEMPT RT Mon Sep 17 21:15:46 UTC 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

I tryed installing pango, but I have found problem while compiling, and the site is from 2012...

any opinion about that?

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